Mimic Systems for repetitive motion from Rehab to Golf
Mimic Systems for repetitive motion                                                                    from Rehab to Golf 

Clinician's description of the problem:

“Therapists [PTs and OTs] do not have the ability—much less the luxury—of monitoring and giving feedback to patients as they perform each repetition of every exercise.  Even in the clinic, when patients do repetitions of an exercise, if supervised, it is often a technician without the advance biomechanical knowledge of the therapist, so errors in posture or exercise form go undetected.  Therefore, our findings regarding patient improvement/lack of improvement, depend in part upon technician reports and patient self-reporting of adherence to our instructions.


“Therapists also document patient engagement.  In the clinic, we document what we told them to do.  We also document what we told them to do with their home exercise programs (HEP).  However, we have no way of knowing if patients 1) perform the HEP as instructed, if at all, and 2) when performed, whether their form is safe, accurate, effective.


“We need a tool that can track and document directly to the patient chart i) how often patients exercise ii) what exercises patients perform iii) how many exercise repetitions they perform, and iv) how true to form the repetitions are.  These data points will provide objective measures of patient engagement and progress, and can be used to more effectively direct patient care for improved outcomes."


Sue Dahl-Popolizio, DBH, OTR/L, CHT

Clinical Assistant Professor, Arizona State University

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist


For more information, contact us.



Our solution:  MimicRehab!

MimicRehab! will record the quantity and quality of exercises performed by a patient.  Further, progresssion through an exercise depends on correct execution of one stage to get to the next.  In addition, clinicians can monitor real time or after the fact, stimulate patient adherence and intervene as appropriate.  The storyboard below describes MimicRehab!

For more information, contact us.

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